Image Compressor

Compress images easily online.

Image Compressor

Image Compressor is a useful tool that helps you compress any image online.

Image compressors are programs that reduce the size of digital images by removing redundant information from them. They do this by analyzing the color gradients within pictures and removing unnecessary data points.  It does so by taking advantage of similarities between adjacent pixels, making use of techniques like run length encoding and Huffman coding. The result is that smaller files can be created while retaining high levels of detail. This makes images smaller but also less detailed, so they look better when viewed at lower resolutions.

For instance, JPEGs use lossy compression while PNGs use lossless compression. Lossless compression uses fewer bits per pixel than lossy compression, meaning it results in higher quality images with less data overhead. Lossless compression reduces the size of images without introducing any noticeable degradation in image quality, whereas lossy compression introduces some amount of distortion in exchange for achieving greater savings in file size. JPEGs typically use 8-bit color depth while PNGs use 24-bit color depth. In addition, PNGs support transparency effects.


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